On paper


This program is curated by Carolina Diez-Cascón, and showcases a selection of artworks sharing a common denominator: “Paper is a thin material produced by pressing together moist fibres of cellulose pulp derived from woodrags or grasses, and drying them into flexible sheets. It is a versatile material with many uses, including writingprinting, packaging, cleaning, and a number of industrial and construction processes”?


Set Espai d´Art. Chingsum Jessye Luk

Galería Angeles Baños. Juan Carlos Bracho


This edition presents 7 projects that reflect on the past, the present and the future.

Simplicity and geometry are the starting point of the program, and present an assembly between those things quotidian and ordinary with present time. This section generates conceptual spaces that store memories and analyzes deterioration over time. 

Paper symbolyzes testimony, a generation that claims analogical over digital as a way to mark our steps, as a medium to decipher digital registers. 

Swab on Paper presents landscapes that symbolize time deterioration through the wastage of paper, an almost meditative world that transits between spacial and geometrical boundaries.


Galeria Nordés. Miguel Marina



Galerías participantes:

ALG. contemporary art. Aix-en-Provence

Artistas: Julien Meilland / Flavia Mielnik 

Galeria Nordés. Santiago de Compostela

Artistas: Miguel Marina

Galería Angeles Baños. Badajoz

Artistas: Ruth Morán / Juan Carlos Bracho

Ibirapi Contemporânea. Lisboa

Artistas:  Carlos Alexandre Rodrigues / Antonia Faria 

La Carboneria. Huesca

Artistas: Altea Grau Vidal

55 SP. San Paolo

Artistas: Fabia Schnoor  / Hugo Frasa / Marlene Stamm

Set Espai d´art. Valencia

Artistas: Chingsum Jessye Luk / Alberto Gil Cásedas / El Tono