Swab Kids 2022

Every year, Swab dedicates an area of the fair to the youngest art lovers, Swab Kids. In order for the little ones to enjoy the fair as much as the older ones, this year, Los Superpoderes del Arte (LSDA), a Barcelona gallery focused on children, and Posca, supplier of markers, join forces to propose artistic workshops to stimulate the most creative side of children at the fair.

Thus, with the help of artist Titeetex, LSDA will offer activities in which participants will be able to unleash their imagination, always with Posca markers in hand, which will become the main tool for children to bring their creations to life.


LSDA and Posca take Swab Kids under the premise of creating a board full of ‘post it’s’ that brings together the individual work of each child to produce a collective artistic creation, the result of a group effort to achieve a common goal, to color the walls of their stand. 

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Logo Batidos Pascual Dar Lo Mejor Trz 1 300x206 1