
general program

ethall. A project, a space with its own memory where situations are generated and artists are accompanied in the development of their work. An interdisciplinary exhibition sequence that proposes formal investigations, speculative processes and collective essays based on the conviction of the transforming power of art.

Artists at Swab:
Juande Jarillo

Gallery run by Jorge Bravo Callizo

Catalogue General Program Ethall Parking Motos Juande Jarillo 2015 Inkjet Print 50x70cm

Juande Jarillo

Sin título, 2008
Fotografía, Edición: 3 ejemplares
50 x 74ʼ5 cm

ethall is pleased to present a selection of recent works by Juande Jarillo in which he proposes an unstable reading in which elements from different categories compete and confuse: the incongruous and the banal, the magical and the absurd. A work that runs with an intermittent logic that stumbles in its own maneuvers.